Cheque Trancation System(CTS) Service Branch

Cheque Truncation System (CTS) or Image-based Clearing System (ICS), in India, is a project undertaken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 2008, for faster clearing of cheques. CTS is based on a cheque truncation or online image-based cheque clearing system where cheque images and magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) data are captured at the collecting bank branch and transmitted electronically.

Inward and outward clearing of CTS 2010 cheque/DD are being done in a faster pace through the Service Branch functioning in the Head Office Building (Head Office Branch). Distribution of pension and various welfare fund schemes is also done through the Service Branch.

Our Bank has a P2F session under the guidelines of NPCI Timing 7:30PM to 8:30PM

1652/QZ, Ground Floor, Circular Road,
Opp. Main Post Office, Rewari, 123401
+91 88149 00558 (Janender Sharma, Clearing & P2F In-charge)
